Ditch Pod Brackets: A Solution for Your Off-Road Lighting Needs
Do you have a truck that you take off-roading and have been looking for the perfect ditch pod bracket? Look no further! After listening to your requests, I finally got around to designing a set of ditch pod brackets that I think you'll love!
My goal was to utilize the existing hood hinge bolts, utilizing the available hardware and making sure that everything bolts into the factory locations.
The problem with the stock hinges was that the thread that went into the hood was an 8mm thread, but the hole for the locating bolt was significantly bigger. So, I came up with a solution: a built-in washer that takes the place of the locator inside the bracket. To install these brackets, you don't even have to take your hood off. All you need is a 15mm socket and you're good to go!
I redesigned the initial brackets you see in the video so that they clear the antenna on the passenger side. They are made of aluminum, so they won't corrode. And, they won't bounce any more than the hood already does. I'm confident that you'll love the final product, so check out the video to see them in action!
Install Video click here https://youtu.be/C7AWgj05KpM
